Tag Archives: Father’s Day gift ideas; gift ideas

New Kids on the Block Tour Comes to Pittsburgh!

2 Jun
Today is June 2nd, which means there is only 13 days left until the New Kids on the Block Tour Comes to Pittsburgh! It’s been six months since I bought tickets for my mom (you know you’re excited) and I to watch the boys strut around the stage singing “Hangin’ Tough,” “The Right Stuff,” “Step-by-Step” and all of the other timeless classics. The long wait for this New Kids on the Block Tour has been nothing short of agonizing!
If you’ve ever met me, ever read my Twitter posts, or have seen me walking around carrying the sweet water bottle pictured below (no, that is not a joke), you know that I am head-over-heels obsessed with the New Kids on the Block. I find anyway that I can to work the boys into daily conversations, and talk about Donnie Wahlberg so much that my family, friends and co-workers know who I’m talking about as soon as a say the word “Donnie.”


Yes, I carry this out in public. Proudly.

After walking in on me wearing my precious "Donnie Wahlberg - Boyfriend" t-shirt while singing and dancing along to a New Kids on the Block dvd, my boyfriend has attempted to ban me from this behavior while he's in the house. Whatever.  

Dear Donnie - Please wear leather pants to Pittsburgh.

So, who else is excited for the New Kids on the Block Tour?  Stupid question, obviously EVERYONE!  Great moments in history usually only happen once, but we are lucky enough to get to see Donnie and the boys bringing “The Right Stuff” back to Pittsburgh like it’s 1990 all over again. 

To be continued…

Father’s Day Gift Ideas

1 Jun

My dad and I

Today is June 1st, and for all of you good children out there, you know this means Father’s Day is right around the corner. Coming up with a great Father’s Day gift can be difficult, as many men are minimalists who buy items as needed, making it nearly impossible to find a great gift for them.

Start thinking about Father’s Day gift ideas for your dad early, so you have a lot of time to come up with a thoughtful gift that he will genuinely enjoy. Remember that your Father’s Day gift shopping trip is going to be very different from the one you did last month for Mother’s Day. Many dads, my own included, prefer to receive practical gifts that they can actually use, instead of those that sit around and collect dust.

To get you started, here’s a few functional Father’s Day gift ideas that your dad may enjoy:

1.)    Buy HIM dinner for once, and make it a nice one

2.)    Tickets to a baseball game

3.)    Gift cards: restaurant, gas, clothes

4.)    Grilling accessories

5.)    Golf clubs, balls, gloves, etc.

6.)    Buy him a massage

7.)    Clean his car, both the inside and outside

8.)    Send him on a vacation financed by you

9.)    Fancy cigars

10.)  Netflix subscription

11.)  Gardening tools

12.)  A case of his favorite beer or a nice bottle of wine

13.)  Mp3 player loaded with his favorite songs

14.) Tools… men can never have too many

15.) GPS system, so he’ll never technically have to ask for directions